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Nortel Meridian Phone M2250
Meridian M2250 - Nortel Networks M2250 Attendant Console is a fully digital attendant console that transforms the attendant position into an efficient call answering/message center.

Key Features:
  • Incoming Call Indicator Keys and Loop Keys allow the attendant to either handle calls in sequence or prioritize answering for specific types of calls.
  • Six programmable feature keys support up to 20 features such as Busy Verify, Call Park, Auto Dial, and Paging
  • An Options Menu permits attendants to customize several console features, such as contrast adjustment, volume settings and choice of 15 languages
  • The Call Party Name Display feature provides the name and extension number of each caller within your system
  • Features a large, easy-to-read indicators and a built-in 4-line by 40-character liquid crystal display

  • Repair Call
    Refurbished Call
    DUNS# 170499086
    Cage# 5ANU7





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