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  Top >> Nortel >> Nortel Norstar >> Nortel Norstar Phones
Nortel Norstar Phone T7406
Norstar T7406 Charcoal, Cordless,
Business Series Terminal T7406 is a full-featured, multi-line telephone for businesses that would benefit from a workplace mobility solution. It covers an area of up to 282,000 square feet and supports 1-6 people, enabling your employees to be more productive while moving about the office. It is ideal for small enterprises, branch offices, retails, medical offices, warehouses and manufacturing environments.

Key Features:
  • 900 MHz digital spread spectrum frequency hopping (DSSFH)
  • Operating range of 300 feet (97 meters), with 282,000 square feet of coverage
  • Backward compatibility with Norstar and Busines Communications Manager and full integration with their applications and features
  • Maximum site density enables 6 handsets. This includes 2 wall bases, each supporting three T7406 handsets
  • Nickel Metal Hydride battery delivers up to 5 hours (with backlight off) continuous talk-time or up to 72 hours standby time

  • Repair $145.00
    Refurbished $355.00
    DUNS# 170499086
    Cage# 5ANU7





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